Marked is powerful enough to allow custom processors (shell scripts) before and/or instead of the built in processors, allowing custom Markdown processing and use of non-Markdown text processors. GitHub users will appreciate Marked's built in GitHub Flavored Markdown processor, capable of handling fenced code blocks, line break preservation and automatic hyperlinking.
#Macos markdown pro
Download Markdown Pro for macOS 10.7 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. MultiMarkdown processing is provided for writers, complete with tables, footnotes, file transcludes, and other MultiMarkdown-specific features. Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Markdown Pro. We’ve also included a new About Screen in this release as well as numerous bug fixes.

Diagram Support Flowchart, Sequence diagram, Gantt diagram, Vega chart.
macOS Windows Linux or see all releases < Features /> Table Block Support GFM table block, you can remove/add rows and columns.Tap the eye icon to preview your note as it would appear when published to the web. Mark Text Mark Text Simple and Elegant Markdown Editor Focused on speed and usability. And Marked 2 is the perfect companion app to display your Markdown output, export it to other formats like rich text and pdf, or to print out your writing for further review or distribution. Markdown Editing At its core, Archimedes is a fully-featured plain text and Markdown editor. You can enable the markdown editor by clicking Markdown formatted in the note info panel. Markdown is the simple way to format your plain text quickly and efficiently for whatever your ultimate destination may be. Marked comes with 9 preview styles built in (including GitHub), and you can add unlimited custom styles of your own. Archimedes LaTeX and Markdown editor for macOS Archimedes Archimedes is a LaTeX and Markdown editor built from the ground up for the Mac and designed to make mathematical writing fun and easy. Marked provides document navigation and statistics, proofreading tools, multiple export formats, and much more. There are also several web-based applications specifically designed for writing in Markdown.
#Macos markdown android
Or you can use one of the many Markdown applications for macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Android operating systems. It updates live every time you save your document in your favorite text editor, comes with writing analysis tools, and is powerfully flexible. You can add Markdown formatting elements to a plaintext file using a text editor application. Marked 2 is a previewer (*not an editor*) for Markdown, MultiMarkdown and other text markup languages.